本文有云课堂小编为大家带来 一:[公司请假英语作文]2016年临沂中考满分作文:我们一起来(4)
2016年临沂中考满分作文:我们一起来(4) 和煦的阳光迎来了又一个春天,让我们一起去春游。 路上,黄灿灿的油菜花聚集成一片金色的海洋;麦苗绿油油的像似绿色的大草原。 我们一行来到公园,看见“都梁广场”四个烫金大字镶嵌在雄伟壮观的门楼上,上面精致地雕刻着百种动物,它们形态千奇百怪、栩栩如生。这是一座能容下数万人的山地广场――全国最大山地广场之一。我们迈着稳健的步伐上走,穿过一片竹林,一阵微风吹来,翠竹发出萧萧瑟瑟的响声;小草跳起了欢乐的舞蹈,有时舒展双臂、有时弯腰触地、有时左右摇摆,真像天真无邪的孩子在嬉戏。 曲折蜿蜒的山路引着我们登高,绿竹婆娑,青松滴翠,温柔而且沉静,它们这样友好的拥抱着,交融着,牵牵扯扯地,掩掩盖盖地,绿遍了山峦。登上观景台,映入眼帘的――青螺似的翠岗一叠接一叠;沁人心脾的――春风拂来的清香一缕接一缕。偶然间,山道两旁一株株桃梅映了我们的双眼,一棵棵新栽植的桃梅像一个个稚气未脱的小姑娘向我们招手致意。她们有的含苞欲放,有的花闹枝头,在蓝天和太阳之下欲笑还羞。我总觉得这些花不是开在树上,而是漂浮在半空中。痴痴地看,轻轻地闻,仿佛自己的身躯也轻柔无比了,在这美妙的“云海”翱翔。 我爱家乡的都梁山,更爱这美丽春天迈着轻盈的脚步走来了,天气渐渐地暖和了。大地披上了绿色的新装,地上长满了嫩绿的小草,树木也发出嫩芽,花儿在春风的吹拂下挣开了花瓣,燕子在天空中一边飞一边欢快地叫着,仿佛也在祝贺春天的到来。故乡的山,故乡的水,都被春姑娘打扮得那么美丽散发出沁人的芬芳。 春天,人们脱下了厚厚的冬装,换上了轻快的春装。同学们在春天的阳光照耀下,玩着捉迷藏。大人们悠闲地躺在草地上。大家都很开心。 我走在春天的大地上,见到小草,我问:“小草,你在干什么呀?”小草说:“我要趁这美好的时光快快长大!”我继续万年感前走,走在大自然的怀抱。走着走着,前面出现了一片幼林,他们个个精力充沛,光秃秃的树枝长出了绿叶。他们勇敢地在土地上生长,我问:“你们在干什么?”幼林说:“我们要趁着春天吸足大自然的雨水,要将根扎在土地上,要把头向天空伸展,趁着春天打好基础,将来我们要成为参天的大树。“我默默地受到了春天的启示,我应该向他们学习!
二:[公司请假英语作文]A vacation_一个假期英语作文100字A vacation_一个假期英语作文100字 On summer vacation, I often go to my grandparents"home which is a beautiful town in the contriside.I often go fishing with my friends in the clear river.Although the fish is very small,we are also happy that catch a small fish.What"s more,I often go to the hill to find wild vegatables with my grandma,it is very amazing to eat the vegatables which picked by myself.In the hill,there"s a nice breeze between trees,I can get close to natual,it is excited.I love here very much! 作者:丛麟懿
三:[公司请假英语作文]How to learn English_英语作文范文English is not difficult.I like learning English.Must first master the English words.And should always read English.Then master the grammar. You can write down you mistakes in your notebooks.And Checkyour English notebooks every day.If you like listening to music and watching movies,you can listen to English songs and watching English movies. I must learn English very will.Because I want to grow up to do English translation. 我爱我家 12 years ago, I was born in a happy family, there was a gentle father, a beautiful mother and a handsome brother, all the family were so happy for the birth of me. My family was full of warmth and happiness. My parents and brother love me very much, in the National Day of last year, we had a trip in Wu Yi mountain, the mountain was very high, when we climbed at the half of it, we felt very tired, at last, my parents took me to the top of the mountain, at that time, I felt the love of my family. I am so lucky God can let me grow in such good family. Now I want to say that I love my mum, my dad and my brother. I love this family very much.